Call For Papers: Teaching, Learning, Leading, and Living in a Glocal World: Policy, Practice, and Praxis, Volume 8, No. 2, June 2021


Call For Papers: Teaching, Learning, Leading, and Living in a Glocal World: Policy, Practice, and Praxis, Volume 8, No. 2, June 2021

Kenneth J. Varner, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (USA)*
Erin Mikulec, Illinois State University (USA)
David Gerlach, Philipps-Universität (Germany)
PG Schrader, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (USA)
Nigel Bagnall, Sydney University (Australia)
Ana María Mass, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (Argentina)
Carlos Enrique Muñoz, Universidad de Concepción (Chile)
Jennifer Markides, University of Calgary (Canada)
* Lead Special Editor/Contact Point

Glocality has not been given sufficient attention by educational scholars and practitioners. Conceptually blending the intersections of the global and the local, glocality has been understand as living local while thinking global. A complimentary framing of glocality might suggest threading locally and connecting globally in pursuit of engaged praxis. In contemplating glocality, every space framed by one as global represents someone else’s local reality, and every local reality is someone else’s global context. Glocality, resultantly, is an appreciation for the reduction of traditional barriers between peoples, nations, regions, and ideas.

Glocality as a conceptual, theoretical, and/or empirical frame has the ability to further comparative, representational, and inter-dialogic thinking across traditional borders and boundaries. This special issue takes up the mantle of glocality and asks contributors to contemplate the opportunities, possibilities, and challenges in education (framed broadly from cradle to grave) as we enter the third decade of the 21st century. The co-editors represent a variety of institutional, national, disciplinary, and methodological orientations; we all share a commitment to glocality. This special issue welcomes empirical (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed), conceptual, and theoretical pieces.

Rigorous examinations of local experience have been the hallmark of much research conceptualized as qualitative. And, while necessary, we are also especially interested in pieces drawing upon methods that allow for deeper understandings, comparisons, and contrasts of local trends within greater global contexts; these approaches may include purposeful mixed-methods approaches that incorporate generalizable trends (global and quantitatively oriented) with nuanced examinations of specific instances (local and qualitatively oriented). We are also interested in pieces that draw upon “big data” to make quantitative argumentation about locality.

Submissions may, but are not limited by, addressing any of the following questions:

• What does glocality offer to education in the complex landscape of the early/mid 21st century?
• How are glocalized approaches applied within educational contexts?
• What can be learned, methodologically (research or practice), through the application of glocal lenses?
• How do worldwide cross-border partnerships yield localized results in educational arenas?
• How do glocalized approaches disrupt traditional delineations of border spaces, ethnicity, culture and approaches and outcomes attached to those concepts?
• What common struggles, common interests, and/or common possibilities might yield from glocalized analysis?
• What is not being said, pursued, or engaged with in current research that a glocalized approach could work toward?

We encourage manuscripts based in theory, practice, praxis, policy, and/or pedagogy to work through what it means to be glocal in the 21st century, and the implications and approaches educational fields and subfields might learn from such a framing.

Please send an abstract of no more than 250 words in length with at least ten literature sources as an additional attachment and contact information for all authors to by May 15, 2020. Abstracts will be reviewed for fit. You will be informed if the manuscript is invited for review by June 5, 2020. Full manuscripts are due by September 4, 2020.

Authors of articles invited for review are required to participate in a blind review of two articles submitted for publication in the same issue.