The Challenge of Providing Gifted Education


  • Sharon Frances Dole Western Carolina University
  • Lisa Bloom Western Carolina University


education, gifted education, equity, excellence, uncder-representation, policy


Introduction to this special issue of Global Education Review that explores gifted education. Though there is a lack of universal consensus on a definition of giftedness there is some agreement that giftedness involves multiple qualities, not just intellectual ones. Gifted education programs vary both among and within countries and who is served in these programs depends largely on the definitions used. The topics explored in this issue include perceptions and policies of gifted education in cultures and countries across the globe; the presumed dichotomy of equity and excellence in countries as different in ideologies as the United States and China; underrepresentation of culturally diverse students, a problem that has plagued the field for decades; gifted education in rural communities; and using a virtual environment for students to pose and share mathematical problems.

Author Biographies

Sharon Frances Dole, Western Carolina University

Sharon Dole, PhD, is Professor and Gifted Education Program Coordinator in the School of Teaching and Learning at Western Carolina University. She completed her PhD at the University of Georgia in special education with concentrations in gifted education and learning disabilities. Her research interests include twice exceptional students, social/emotional problems of adolescents, creativity, problem-based and project-based learning, teaching civility and compassion, and online teaching and learning.

Lisa Bloom, Western Carolina University

Lisa Bloom, EdD, is the Jay M. Robinson Professor of Instructional Technology at Western Carolina University.  She completed her Ed. D. in Education at West Virginia University.   Her research interests include gifted education, problem based learning, creativity, promoting social and emotional well- being of children and youth and instructional technology.


